Trusts | Heartland Bank and Trust Company


What would happen to your assets if you remarried, became incapacitated, or died?

You can’t always control what happens in life, but you can be prepared for both the expected and the unexpected by having a solid financial plan.

A trust could be the tool that helps you achieve your goals, such as financing your children’s education, supporting your favorite charity, saving on estate taxes, managing your assets if you are incapacitated, or providing for your family after your death.

You can depend on Heartland Bank and Trust Company to provide professional asset management, accurate tax records, and thorough and knowledgeable administration of your trust.

Some of our basic trust administration services include:

Living Trust

A Living Trust is a legal arrangement, drafted by an estate-planning attorney, that can facilitate the transfer of assets, avoid probate, maintain continuity in the case of incapacity or death, and ensure that an inheritance goes to those whom you intend. During your lifetime, your Living Trust can be revoked in whole or in part at your discretion. In the case of incapacity or death, your designated Trustee continues to manage your assets as your Living Trust directs, without interruption.

Testamentary Trust (Trust Under Will)

A Testamentary Trust is established under your Will, and of course, will not become effective until your death. The terms of the Trust can provide for payment of principal, income or both to your beneficiaries, depending on your wishes. Your designated Trustee is under a legal fiduciary obligation to carry out the terms of your Trust as you have established it.

Charitable Trust

A Charitable Trust establishes a trust for the benefit of one or more of your chosen charities. It can reduce estate taxes, eliminate capital gains, allow the grantor to claim an income tax deduction, and, of course, benefit your favorite charity.

Reap the benefits of our years of experience, investment knowledge, and objectivity! Make the wise choice to ensure that your trust is properly administered, and choose Heartland Bank and Trust Company as Corporate Trustee or Investment Agent for your Trust.

Securities and insurance products are NOT deposits of Heartland Bank, are NOT FDIC insured, are NOT guaranteed by or obligations of the bank, and are subject to potential fluctuation in return and possible loss of principal.

Heartland Bank and Trust Company Asset Management and Trust Services is not a broker/dealer. Equity and bond trading in customer accounts is transacted through independent broker/dealers.