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Heartland Bank Assists Community Development Organization to Secure $50,000 Federal Bank Grant

February 28, 2022

Heartland Bank and Trust Company and Local Initiatives Support Corporation (LISC) Central Illinois have something in common – their support of and service to local community are at the heart of what they do.

This commonality recently led LISC to be awarded $50,000 grant, sponsored by Heartland Bank.

The $50,000 Community First® Capacity-Building Grant was awarded by Federal Home Loan Bank of Chicago (FHLBC). Belinda Landry, CRA and Fair Banking Officer at Heartland Bank, helped lead the effort to sponsor LISC Central Illinois with their application for the grant. The bank is also responsible for the appropriate use of the grant funds.

“This is the second time we’ve sponsored this particular grant,” according to Landry. “The grant fills a gap in funding for organizations like LISC, providing them with operational support that can otherwise be hard to find, giving them the opportunity to expand their capacity, and increasing their impact on affordable housing and economic development.”

LISC Central Illinois will use the grant to commemorate its 10th anniversary in 2022 by increasing awareness throughout Central Illinois of the services it provides. Grant funds will support marketing efforts, professional development, and information technology improvements.

“We are so grateful for our partnership with Heartland Bank. The bank is instrumental in helping LISC advance its work in the community by sponsoring the office to receive this $50,000 grant,” said Angela Bolden, Executive Director of LISC Central Illinois. “Also, as a funder, Heartland Bank has helped LISC provide financing and technical and management assistance to local partners, small businesses and developers. It has been a pleasure to work with Heartland Bank staff. We appreciate the willingness to support our office and the community.”

Local Initiatives Support Corporation (LISC) is a Community Development Financial Institution. As a nonprofit intermediary, LISC channels capital, resources, proven programming, and expertise to disinvested neighborhoods. LISC is the largest community development organization in the country that provides access to capital, grants, loans, equity investments, tax credit equity, affordable housing, and technical assistance to places such as schools, health care centers and organized groups.

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